DJ Wez G

Review: The Great Game – On Secret Service in High Asia – by Peter Hopkirk

The Great Game, as immortalised by Rudyard Kipling in ‘Kim’ was the nineteenth century adventures in espionage between Russia and the U.K. across Central Asia. Both sides were on the verge of a full on military confrontation and sought advantage. The Russian Tsars sought territorial expansion across Asia and always had their eye on the riches of British-controlled India. The Empire under Queen Victoria was to be protected at all costs. A series of adventurers mapped out the relatively unknown regions that separated the two great powers. The regions of Persia, Afghanistan, India, Tibet, Turkmenistan and China became the board on which this Great Game was played out. Deep political intrigue and outright treachery features heavily in these factual adventure tales. Wild eccentric characters fill the landscape on both sides of the divide. Often when the two sides meet on the field war in averted and gentlemanly camp meals and Vodka accompany the standoffs. It is the unruly under-civilised Asian powers that often produce the venomous brutal murders and beheadings and downright scandalous betrayals in this period. The explorers are feted by the British Geographical society and often write bestselling books about their travels. Russophobes and Anglophobes in London and St Petersburg devour the press articles and hawks dominate doves in foreign policy decisions between the powers although other than the Crimean War a total conflict is luckily just avoided by both sides. There are some great character sin this book and it highlights a time in the relatively recent past when Britain still had its Empire and the world was still being mapped out and explored. Very well written and a five star read.

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