french industrial relations

Review: French Industrial Relations in the New World Economy – by Nick Parsons

This book focuses on the different components that comprise French Industrial relations, neatly divided up into 8 distinct chapters with a thorough introduction and conclusion. Each chapter goes into detailing a particular aspect of the French Labour movement. It looks

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Review: French Industrial Relations in the New World Economy – by Nick Parsons

This book focuses on the different components that comprise French Industrial relations, neatly divided up into 8 distinct chapters with a thorough introduction and conclusion. Each chapter goes into detailing a particular aspect of the French Labour movement. It looks

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La nationalité française, ça se mérite

« La nationalitĂ© française, ça se mĂ©rite Â». Que pensez-vous de ce jugement ? Peut-ĂŞtre, dans un monde moderne et sans frontières du XXIe siècle, le besoin critique d’une identitĂ© nationale pourrait-il ĂŞtre moins pertinent qu’il ne l’était il y a plusieurs dĂ©cennies.

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