No Love Lost

Joy Division are a popular band at End Of Terror. We listen to them perhaps more than any other band. ‘No Love Lost’ just about sums up our feelings for the Mental Health System. The music is dark and driving and has a deep and meaningful message. Lead Singer, Ian Curtis, tragically died – as a suicide victim – as so many psychiatric victims out there sadly end up too. The depth of his soul to have produced such fantastic lyrical music must have been bountiful yet he was taken from us too early, like so many talented musicians. There is a lovely Joy Division back catalogue easily available for you and if that’s not enough post-Curtis the rest of the band formed New Order – another cracking band, not to mention the Hacienda nightclub in Manchester which they also found time to deliver to the world. Culturally rich, this group of artists are an inspiration to our End Of Terror mission. Be sure to watch the full film ‘Control’, a clip of which is shown in the music video. It’s an emotional rollercoaster of the highs and lows of a tortured soul.

More Joy Division here
Also New Order here

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