Official Wez G App now live and available for FREE in itunes store…

Wez G App
Wez G App

The Official Wez G app for iphone / ipad and ipod touch is now LIVE and available for free download in the itunes store…

The app features all my DJ mixes since the podcasts began in January 2008, also a selection of my better production work.

There is a twitter feed, also a WordPress blog newsfeed (where if you have the app you will be reading this article…lol) and a random tumblr feed for miscellaneous items. Also, a photo gallery and a Youtube channel of Wez G related music videos.

I hope it keeps you entertained and that you help spread the word of Wez G to your friends by sharing the app… Your feedback as an app enduser on how it can improve will be much appreciated and welcomed.

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